Operating Costs
Our mission depends on you and on your support. Whether it's through financial donations, material donations, or voluntary work, each and every contribution allows us to continue to provide care, education, and a better future for the talibé children. Please see below a breakdown of what we need to stay afloat.
Our Nurse
- Our nurse is vital in the provision of medical care to the talibé children, both directly in the daaras and in our infirmary. They take the lead on initial assessments, provide necessary follow-up care, and act as a vital link between our association and the marabouts.
Our Teacher
- Our teacher is dedicated to providing a basic education to the talibé children, teaching them French, mathematics, and much more. This education is essential in breaking the cycle of poverty.
Our Coordinator
- Koume, our coordinator, manages the volunteers, organises educational activities, and represents the association to the marabouts and to the authorities. He is crucial in the smooth running of our projects and in maintaining our close relationship with the talibé children.
Our Chef
- Meliza, our chef, prepares nutritious meals for over 100 children every day. She also handles our food budget and purchases and manages the volunteers in the kitchen.
Our Centre
- Our centre is the beating heart of the project and represents a place of safety for the children. We have an infirmary, a classroom, toilets and washing facilities, a canteen and quiet spaces for relaxation. Our centre allows us to be there for the children each and every day.
- Every day, we prepare 100 breakfasts and 100 meals for the talibé children. We strive to vary the meals to ensure a balanced diet. As such, food costs are a significant part of our budget.
Hygiene Products
- Good hygiene is essential in the prevention of illness amongst the talibé children. We provide soaps and personal care products in the daaras in an attempt to improve hygiene levels.
Medical Supplies
- Our infirmary requires a constant supply of medical equipment in order to be able to properly treat various conditions such as scabies, parasitic infections, and injuries. This medical intervention is essential to prevent further complications.
Emergency Medical Fund
- Some medical cases require immediate care at the Saint-Louis hospital. This emergency medical fund covers the additional costs to ensure the health and safety of the children.
As a direct result of your help, we can continue to provide essential services and improve the living conditions of the talibé children.
Together, we can change their lives for the better.
We need your support
Make a difference. Support the talibé children
How can I get involved?
Contributions go towards meals, healthcare and an education for the talibé children.
Sponsor A Child Now
Avec 30 € par mois, vous pouvez parrainer un enfant talibé et lui garantir des repas, des soins et une éducation tout au long de l’année
Experience our work firsthand and make a difference to the lives of the talibé children.